Republican Hypocrisy on Crime

I haven’t posted a blog for a few months because of some health issues. As I am starting to feel much better after radiation therapy, I am ready to plow forward.

For quite some time, the political right and the Republican Party has made a concerted effort to paint the Biden administration and Democrats in general as weak on crime. They equate the “Black Lives Matter” movement as made up of radical leftists and defund the police proponents. Most people in the Democratic Party and most people sympathetic to the “Black Lives Matter” movement do not want to defund the police. They support the police, but they expect the police to treat all people with dignity and justice. They simply abhor police brutality when and where it occurs. They want their neighborhoods safe and free from crime, but they also expect police to treat all people regardless of race or religion the same.

While the Republican Party tries to grab the mantle as the party dedicated to crime fighting, they fall dreadfully short. Eight out of the ten states with the highest per capita murder rates are red states, not blue states. Most are led by Republican governors. Property crimes also tend to be higher in red states than blue states. So, my message to Republicans, is this: Get off your phony high horses and quit demonizing Democrats on this issue.
Also, who participated in and promoted a false narrative (BIG LIE) about the 2020 election that resulted in death and injuries to police defending our Capital on January 6th, 2020. I think we all know the answer to that question. Also, which former president has made a mockery of the rule of law and was impeached twice? Again, we all know the answer to that question.

I pray that the 45th president is held accountable for his actions!

2 Comments on “Republican Hypocrisy on Crime

  1. The sad thing is that most conservatives won’t actually fact check or look at any relevant statistical data on these matters. They just want “buzz words” to fuel their hatred and xenophobic tendencies. Most GOP politicians know this, so they say what is necessary in public, regardless as to how they actually feel in private…

  2. I totally agree with your thoughts. Most Republican politicians are craven, cynical people for whom power is more important than doing the right thing. That among other things is why I left the Republican Party.

    While I find myself angry over their extreme views and actions, I do believe that over time enough people will come to see them for what they are: hypocrites and deceivers. The way they portray themselves on crime is particularly galling. The corruption and traitorous acts of Donald Trump will eventually catch up with them. Also, how can they keep talking tough on crime while not supporting reasonable gun control. And how can they continue to stonewall and obstruct investigations surrounding the events leading up to and after the insurrection!

    Hang in there. We need to fight the good fight for the mid-term elections and not let them put Democrats on the defensive on the issue of crime. Democrats really hold the high ground on this issue.

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